The symbolism of Eternal Life

I am obsessed, I admit it, by the iconic flower that is the Poppy.

My interpretation of this extraordinary beauty is simple but striking. I’ve pondered over many months and looked deep into  the Human connection not only to this particular flower but to nature, exploring our own unique patterns and form and how we too sit within a landscape of all that is wondrous within our natural world.

It’s when I think of connection to land and landscape that I also think of the powerful symbolism of the Poppy. Imagine fields of red petals thriving from the soil of war, rising from the death and destruction that war brings. The poignant words of a brigade surgeon who saw the red flowers growing on a destroyed battlefield, are perhaps the most moving depiction of WW1 and offer an historic and timeless visual reference.   Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae “In Flanders Fields.” First published in 1915.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

 Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

 In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

 If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

 In Flanders fields.

The war created prime conditions for poppies to flourish in Flanders and north-west France (and Gallipoli). Continual bombardment disturbed the soil and brought the seeds to the surface. They were fertilized by nitrogen in the explosives.


May I ask you to pause on this for a moment and allow me to connect this extraordinary opportunity to create a metaphor  that can relate to the present day and within our own lives.


This is where I get excited by what art can do – it transcends language and finds meaning within us, within our lens of reference.

When I put paint to canvas, the symbolism of the Poppy was pivotal to the process. My intention was to create a piece that could serve as a reminder, that even in the bleakest of times, beauty can not only exist but grow and thrive and last, strong and unwavering despite adversity.


The mythology and symbolism is unrivaled ….well, its impressive to say the least…. like, the Egyptians included poppies in their Artworks as a symbol of Eternal Life!

Some Poppy findings that intrigued me;

The word “poppy” is derived from the Latin word “papaver,” which means “to swell.” The name “poppy” is also associated with the Latin word “pappa” for milk. This is due to the thick milky sap exuded from cut stems of poppy flowers.

The spiritual meaning of poppies exist in cultures around the world. The Greeks used poppies in the shrines of Demeter, goddess of fertility, and Diana, goddess of the hunt.

The goddess Demeter was given poppies by the gods to help her sleep after her daughter Persephone was abducted. After this, poppies sprang from Demeter’s footsteps.

Poppies have been known as a sleep inducer for millennia. Poppy seeds are a natural source of opiates including opium, morphine and heroin. Accordingly, the drug morphine is named for Morpheus, the Greek god of sleep and dreams. The Roman god Ceres was also associated with poppy flowers.

Interestingly, poppies can grow in less than ideal conditions. Therefore, they can be used when crop rotation is needed. The Egyptians may have been aware of this fact. In Egypt, poppy flowers were associated with Osiris, the god of both death and agriculture.

Poppies also represent the loyalty and faith between lovers. According to Chinese legend, a beautiful and brave woman, Lady Yee, was married to Hsiang Yu, a warrior with Herculean strength.

When Hsiang led his troops into battle, Lady Yee chose to follow him and stood by his side in every battle. During a long and arduous war, Hsiang’s army was surrounded and defeat was imminent.

Lady Yee tried to boost his spirits by dancing with his sword. The petals of the poppy flower reflect her spirit as she dances in the wind with the sword. When this attempt failed, Lady Yee committed suicide. A cluster of poppies sprang in full bloom from her grave site.


So, you see why I am so taken by this extraordinary flower and have been inspired to interpret its beauty and indeed its powerful reminder that Hope exists in Life and just like the Poppy, we too can grow and stand strong and tall despite our surroundings.

Go Well.

Gill x



